Wednesday 19 August 2009

Better than

Dear readers, I would like to introduce you to Spotify.
Spotify is a Swedish absolutely legal service for listening music. Data of Spotify is huge, more than 10 million songs and new updates everyday.
This service has become especially popular after made access to its site with a fee-paying subscription. Spotify offers a very flexible search through different categories (artists, songs, genres, charts and etc.)

Currently free registration is available only for some countries of Western Europe and Scandinavia, that is why if you are located in Sweden, Norway, Finland, Great Britain, France or Spain, your request to register for free will be turned down.
But there is always a solution! You go to and in a search bar you write Vuala! Registration is now open for you! Don't forget to write British post code when you register. Then you just download the program and enjoy the music.

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