Sunday, 18 October 2009

... after a long time

I may accept your congrats coz I'm returning. It's been a long time indeed, and I have things to share, but I rather begin from this recent occasion that happened to be... weekend!!!
It all started from my idea to visit a new city-to-live in, Limassol. I reserved a table at the Dino's Art Cafe. So, there we started. A little bit of red wine for the sparkles in my eyes, a cigarette for getting in my entourage (a pencil heavy gray skirt with a white shirt trashy tacked in and vulgar killer heals). I was in a playful mood!

There was a lovely superb dinner at the art cafe, then 7 seas entertainment "mall" sitting on the bar and getting amused by the UK guest singing Back to Black :)
It was an amazing night. A night to remember!
Finally, when the lights are off and my boyfriend is seeing beautiful dreams (but never remembering them ever after) I am sitting alone and smiling thinking that life is an amazing journey. Yet more to see, yet more to come! I hope you all had a great weekend. Wish you a good following week!



  1. she is back she is hear
    the swing of the lady passes by us
    the generous wrighting that entertain us
