Sunday, 25 October 2009

the UNIFORM PROJECT: 1 dress, 365 days

"Again I have nothing to wear!" This sacral phrase sounds from all over the world, and sometimes even men join women in this everyday needy calling. Many of us spend almost half of our our income on shopping, and still this sacral phrase never stops.
I am also a "nothing-to-wear" girl. That is why a recent news about a certain young lady deciding to wear only ONE dress for 365 days awoke some unreal interest in me.
So, young Sheena Matheiken decided to wear one dress designed by her friend Eliza Starbuck. A girl armed with accessories, shoes, bags, some elements of clothing and other arsenal of following things in order to create a new look every day, the base of which will be that little black dress.
They have been getting all the stuff apart from the dress from friends, acquaintances and people they have never met before through their website. Apart from just having fun during this project, the main idea was more than noble. By running this project they raise funds for the education of underprivileged children in India. Being Indian herself, Sheena knows how hard-won a way of education for local people.
Apart from this white side of the project I am more interested in how it is manageable to wear the same dress for a year and to achieve different looks every single day.

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